There are some simple steps if followed will save you from procrastination disease and I know very well that the business leaders of most of the tasks they want to Implement them , but can not because of the many busy However, there are things that can be overcome by the large number of procrastination
Procrastination happens whenever you have a looming deadline and
instead of doing your work, you choose to do other things. Instead of
doing the 'more' important things, you opt to do some unnecessary
activities that, definitely, just wasted your time. And then you soon
realized that you only have little time to finish all your work. You
used up your time doing the unimportant things and ended up losing the
time allotted for the important tasks you're supposed to be doing
already. While there are varied reasons why people procrastinate, some
are valid and some are not, delaying your work is not good at all.
However, here's a good news for the self-proclaimed procrastinators out
there: procrastinate can be stopped. Yes, it is possible to take control
of your life again and live a meaningful life by stopping this bad
habit. It's not yet too late to get rid of procrastination and you can
do it NOW. If you are interested to know how to stop procrastination,
then read on and find out.
5 easy steps to stop procrastination
1)What are your reasons for procrastination
can be one of the reasons why people procrastinate. However, there is
also more profound explanation why some people are really good at
procrastinating. Fear of failure, low self-confidence, and the hunger
for perfection are just among the few other reasons why people
procrastinate. It is important to know the underlying cause of this
habit so you'll know what action you'll do to stop it.
2) Put yourself on the agenda
beauty of planning is that it allows you to clear your mind from other
things. It makes you more focused on the more important things. Planning
your week or your day will help you schedule your time. Being more
efficient in using your time is more important as it helps you to
achieve more goals. Planning or setting a schedule for all the things
that you need to do is a valuable step in your quest to stop
3)objectives formulas
If you are a
self-proclaimed procrastinator, but you want to stop it now, then start
by setting a clear goal. Set your goals so you can have a clear
direction of where you want to go. If you already have a goal yet you
find it really hard to achieve them, then it's probably time that you
start getting better with your goal setting. Create an attainable and
clear goal so you'll know how to attain them.
4) Apply the famous 2-minute rule
rule has helped numerous people who wanted to break free from
procrastination. Applying the 2-minute rule has allowed more people to
be more productive. It is a rule that can be done by setting 2-minutes
to start doing something. If you find it tiring to read a book, then
apply the 2-minute rule and read the first page in just two minutes. If
you have pending assignments, but you're too lazy to get up and do it,
then apply this rule. Set a timer and do your pending works. This is an
effective way to combat procrastination because a shorter time to
achieve something conditions the mind that the toil just takes 2 minutes
to be performed. And when you start working on something, you'll soon
realize that you can't stop doing them because your mind is already
working. Before you know it, your 2-minute timer just went on longer
than your original plan