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Friday, May 2, 2014

If currencies take your life - where are you?

Maybe you have to get out of material life, even after a few hours of your day or the day of your week to get used to the process and leave your worries and put it behind your back, of course,The practice of business management business without constantly sick leave
Many, if not most people think that the most valuable currency in our life is money. While it is important and can make life more comfortable , it is not the most valuable. Time is the most precious we all currency. And we do not know how it makes us enjoy .
We are all born into this life with nothing, only the comfort and the blessings of our parents or caregivers share with us.The only thing we really have, and the responsibility of our time and how we spend it . We can not learn to manage our time until we are adults ( or at least ... ) , but we still learn lessons about its importance.
Who has not been late for an important meeting or a movie and felt the pressure to get there before it's too late? Have you ever missed a plane or train? What a huge difference a few minutes can do, right? Of course, there are times when we can not have control over the circumstances , weather issues , or your car breaks down . Most of the time , you have more control than you think.
How do you spend your time if you thought you were in control of it , and you can not have much left as you want ? What are dreams and higher planes that you pushed to the back burner of your mind ? Learn to play the piano? Visiting a foreign country? Take a painting class ? Get your first massage? Choose one,  and we'll start .
What could you do if you cut a half hour of time out of your day ? Could you do some research on the class / trip / activity to make the first move ? Sure , it may seem almost impossible, but we have all the time that we let slip into mindless action or inaction. Who does not spend much more time than necessary to check email - messages - Facebook ? Ask yourself if this activity adds to your enjoyment of life in proportion to the time spent.
Or my favorite , television . Since the advent of the DVR, I can watch all my favorite shows whenever I want. But there is too much for me to justify the time . So I 've been slowly removing those that I do not look forward to see , keeping only those that I choose to look at first. This has saved me so much money now that I spent time doing things I love feeling good. I write , I go , I plan to travel, and I am learning to speak Italian .
These desirable objectives and activities happen if I decide to spend my limited time on them instead of others who are less rewarding and satisfying. You can do it too. Start small, say half an hour per day . Work up to longer periods or more days and before you know it, you 'll want to do more things that you really like . Spend your money as long you like. You can not save your time, or take it with you. Choose wisely every day and your time will be richer.
Start now, do not waste another minute

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