Strategy brainstorming methodologies most commonly used in the
field of education for the development of innovative thinking, a strategy for teaching the teacher, in which the division of the student chapter of more a group, then put problem about the lesson, then the students by giving different solutions to the problem and welcomed by all no matter what
, and recording all ideas that are not allowed to criticize and evaluate these ideas group commander, but at the end of the session by the teacher and students.
This strategy is governed by the following rules:
* Postpone verdict: stay the proceedings on the ideas before the end of the session because individuals were analytical immediately.
* Quantity: characterized by abundance strategic ideas put forward by the force of free association and catalytic effort discussion.
- Accept all ideas put forward: it may be strange ideas are useful, but most of the ideas come from the absurd and irresponsible practices ideas.
* Build on the ideas of others: reflection allows people to build their ideas on the ideas presented by the participants to develop, improve and find other ideas.
* The problem must be dealt with a specific issue and not general so that people can limit their attention and direct their thoughts accurately.
* Group Leader is appointed commander of the students working on recording students' ideas and works to force students to follow the rules of brainstorming.
And spend the brainstorming session several rules are as follows:
* Prepare Brainstorm: The teacher divides the students into more than one game (4-6)
Groups, and put them in the problem of processor object, and define the problem, and groups of students in the form of a circle around.
* Generate ideas: after subtracting the students alternate solutions and ideas are exhausted when the leader of the group launched the idea that the teacher or help on it, or throw ideas build on ideas previous.
* Evaluate ideas: brainstorming after the teacher and his students criticize the students' ideas and classified into three levels: good ideas - ideas need to develop - ideas do not work