The performance evaluation is important for the company and the employee .
It represents the norm of society , which indicates whether the employee performs the duties and responsibilities burdens working properly or not. And clear to the company from which the employee weaknesses and strength and if it has the ability to allow it to fully discharge its functions or not, then it is unclear whether it has the potential for development and progress of society or not.
Equally important, the assessment identifies performance this category of employees who do not meet the objectives of employment, making them a burden on society and the cost is justified , which in turn provides to take measures to They are replacing other more qualified and the company able to meet the objectives of the company.
With regard to the employee, is an assessment of the performance for him an expression of the possibility of continuity and progression in the company, avoiding gaps that must provide the highest possible level of performance. Accordingly:
1 - is the assessment of all employees of the company personnel with different levels of responsibility once a year at least .
2 - The purpose of these evaluation models allow flexible and remove the person who is being evaluated provide a clear picture and accurate information about the employee's performance is evaluated.
3 - keep all kinds of evaluation in the employee file .
4 - Evaluation is the main factor in any decision in favor or against the employee.
5 - which is the assessment by the President directs , and confirms its content by the Director General of the competent authority and approved by the Executive Director.
6 - the formation of an internal committee of each department , headed by the Executive Director and is composed of three officials of the same department to look all reviews
And to ensure their accuracy and validity .
7 - After reviewing the assessments, based on the results , the staff divided into four main categories:
7/1 Honors employees getting high marks distinguished
7/2 staff to get a very good estimate Very Good
7/3 staff get a good grade . good
7/4 staff to get the average rating Average
7/5 staff to obtain an estimate Poor
7/6 for the staff during the course of the experiment , are measured as follows:
7/6/1 appropriate FIT ) ) and is installed in the company.
7/6/2 inappropriate (not suitable ) and are terminated his contract.
8 - Based on the results of the evaluation , as described in (7) above, are developing programs to develop individuals with the two highest ratings ( excellent and very good ) to increase the level of performance and scalability. For those who have obtained estimates of the third and fourth category ( good, average) are examined for their performance and take the appropriate decision about them in light of the following criteria:
8/1 if the result of evaluation of the employee (average) , identifies weaknesses and the possibility of developing performance. Also developed training programs necessary for him to improve his performance.
8/2 if the result of evaluating an employee for the first time (low), the company is informed of the intention to terminate his services if performance does not improve during the next period evaluation .
8/3 if the result of the evaluation of the employee to assess consecutive sessions (low), it must be rejected .
New - oral evaluations negligible contradictory with what is contained in the employee assessment model approved and saved in a file .
10 - If it turns out later to evaluate the imprecision of the evaluation, they will be held accountable those responsible for the conduct strict account .
11 - inform each employee evaluated after its adoption and explain the strengths and weaknesses it has. And signature of the employee on the most popular if you have no objection to that science, but if he had objection to the registration of an employee of the objection in writing and must be returned to Committee on performance Evaluation section for review. And then the Commission to inform the public employees in his opposition to the results of the evaluation. If no objection is in order, the correct evaluation and attract the attention of those who ordered .
It should not be used for challenging the results of the evaluation of the direct supervisor is not what he has good reason to do so, be supported by reasons and arguments are reasonable.