Sorcerer was walking with his student in the African jungle and despite its high fitness, but the doctor walked cautiously and with great precision, while the student was located and stumbles on the way .. and it was every time he cursed the earth and malice on the road while his mentor.
After a long march arrived at the desired location .... and without stopping the doctor turned to the student and turned and started back.
Student said: Do not tell me something today, sir.
Pronounced after signing new.
The doctor said that I teach you things, but you do not have to learn.
I tried to teach you how to deal with the pitfalls of life
Student said: How so?
He said, in the same way it treats the pitfalls of the road .. Rather than curse the place where he is .. tried to know why you come first.
Many people are cursing the world and the conditions and blame others for their failures and forget themselves.
Instead of the blame on others to seek the cause of our failure.
Blaming a major pest and You learn from your mistakes. No fear of failure in any business, you do because you can not be changed, but if it fails and you have learned from your failure.
Always analyze your mistakes not repeat the same again.
And this mistake once, "... does not mean ... you're a bad person what is important to learn from your mistakes"
And I wish each and every one of us learns of pitfalls, even for Repeat those mistakes
As well as learn from the experiences and mistakes of others to save you time and effort.